Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Ident - Forest Light Pictures

Technical Evaluation

I started by creating a new composition with the settings - 

I started by adding in the image of a tree silouette with a transparent background, the clicked the -

- button which makes the layer 3-D, which then changes then adds an extra axis the Z axis which allows you to move the image backwards and forewords instead of just up, down and side to side. then i duplicated the layer once to make up the two middle trees of the logo. Then I added the edited version of the tree with an erased side part to the tree and clicked the 3-D button again, then duplicated it to make the outside trees.
Then I added a camera by clicking - Layer > New > Camera - then this menu comes up. 

i selected the 35mm lense so i got a short camera movement and the ideal amount of depth of feild i was looking for, for my ident.
Now with the camera added it gives the composition a whole new feel, allowing me to move the view through an image instead of just moving images. this is is what i wanted because i need the trees to look as if they are 3d and move past the camera to form the final logo at the end.

After the camera was in place i started to change the values of the trees so they started behind the camera and are not in the shot, then the camera would move from 0 sec to 7 sec straight down the middle of the compostion meaning that the trees would appear as the camera zoomed past them, when the first tree was in the correct place i set and anchor point on the position setting and scale. then skipped to the 7th second when everything would be in place, then changed the values of the positon and scale so the size of the tree wouls stay the same and the position would change as the camera is still moving through the composition

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