Tuesday, 17 December 2013

The Shadowing Shot List

Shot List
Project Name:
The Shadowing
Created By:
Forest Light Pictures
1.     Mid/close-up of Reggie giving an introduction to the documentary.
2.     Mid shot of Reggie walking over to Robert and asking what he is doing.
3.     Mid/close up of Robert giving himself an introduction to the audience.
4.     Close up of George turning camera on himself and introducing himself.
5.     Mid shot of Shaun walking in and getting to know everyone.
6.     Mid/close up of Shaun introducing himself and what his role is.
7.     Mid shot of everyone walking to the car and giving views on hauntings.
8.     Close up of Robert speaking about any other findings he has found.
9.     Mid shot of Shaun introducing Rectory woods.
10.  Mid shot of Shaun and Robert walking side by side as they make their way    deeper into the woods.
11.  Mid/close up of Shaun talking about the witch tree.
12.  Mid shot of them all discussing how far away it is and then them deciding to get all the bags.
13.  Long shot of Reggie, Shaun and Robert walking off into the distance.
14.  Mid shot of George hearing a twig snap and then spinning round to see Shaun standing there and scares him.
15.  Mid shot of Shaun, Robert and Reggie discussing what they have just found on the floor in the woods.
16.  Mid shot of Shaun crouched down speaking about voodoo and the gypsy’s    that used to live there.
17.  Mid shot of Shaun giving a talk to the camera about that they are going to venture deeper into the woods and set up camp.
18.  Mid shot of Reggie and Shaun calling “ROB!” as they have realized he is not there.
19.  Long/wide shot of Robert walking towards them saying he had only gone for a wee.
20.  Close up of Robert and Reggie discussing to have a look on the camera if anything did get picked up.
21.  Mid/long shot of Shaun and Reggie shouting and deciding what is out there in the woods.
22.  Long shot of Shaun, Reggie and Robert walking off whilst George gets some scenery shots.
23.  Mid shot of George getting scenery and then seeing the face of the monster in the bushes. 
24.  Mid shot of them all walking discussing what they have seen.
25.  Mid shot of them arriving at the Borley Rectory site.
26.  Mid shot of Shaun telling the audience that they have made it to borley rectory site and that they are now setting up camp for the night.
27.  Close up of all of them in separate tents talking about the day.
28.  Close up of George picking up the camera and then getting his neck snapped by the monster he saw earlier then the camera
29.  Close up of Robert picking the camera up and walking over Shaun and Reggie to discuss about Georges whereabouts.  
30.  Robert puts the camera down and then it cuts to a Close up of the monster looking at itself in the camera and then puts it down.
31.  Close up of Robert picking camera up again. Cuts to a mid shot of Shaun and Reggie talking.
32.  Long shot of the monster standing there and then Shaun runs after him, cuts to an extreme long shot of Shaun walking back to Robert and Reggie.
33.  Mid shot of Shaun walking past the camera saying that we have to go.
34.  Long shot of the monster standing there and then runs after them and they are screaming run.
35.  Close up of some plants and in the background you see the monster run in and it hears a twig snap and then runs off.
36.  Long shot of Shaun walking through bushes and woods as Reggie is now cameraman.
37.  Long shot of the field that they were in earlier as they are going round in circles.
38.  Long shot of Shaun walking along a path which it the only path they have not tried yet.
39.  Long shot of them walking up to a corner on the path and Robert comes round the corner and gets dragged back by the monster.
40.  Long shot of Reggie running away with Shaun then when he hears Shaun’s voice in the background he turns round and Shaun’s neck gets snapped and his body falls to the floor like a slab of meat.

41.  Close up of Reggie speaking to the camera and then he turns it to the three crosses they found earlier and the monster comes from the side of the camera and kills him.

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