Tuesday, 17 December 2013

The Shadowing Production Stills

This was a shot of the location where we filmed the most part of our movie. It also shows the fog which we made good use of in the movie to make it feel eery.

This picture was before shooting a scene. This was dressing George up as our creature in the movie before the first scene we seem him fully.

This is a close up shot of the mask in action that we used for our movie.

This is a image taken from our actual movie without being edited, in the movie this was dimmed and colour changed to make it look early morning. This was taken from when our character walked back from meeting the monster.

This is a picture from location we used. This was a scene which caused many people to jump when watching movie for the first time.

This is a shot of the four actors and George in the creature suit. This was taken when filming had finished.

This is a shot of Producer and the monster on location when filming had ended.

Rob left and Producer Shaun right after filming ended. Rob in his outfit for filming on location.

End of filming Director Reggie left and Rob right, Both in their outfits for filming.

Director Reggie left and Producer Shaun Right taken after filming ended. Shaun holding the mask of the creature from the movie.

Shot taken on location. This area was where the movie started in the woods. Where Shaun had his first introduction to the haunted woods
Location shot of the pond from early on in filming. 

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