Tuesday, 17 December 2013

The Shadowing Soundtrack Planning

For our movie we decided on using a shotgun microphone attached to our camera. We used this because they pick up sound very well where ever you aim the microphone and cuts out unneeded noises such as wind. Throughout the movie we knew sound effects and foley would be needed for our film and so when filming we acted as if we would hear someone or something and would later edit this in. We got all of our soundtrack and foley sounds from the application soundtrack pro. 

List of Sound Recordings:

Mud Footsteps (Foley)
Dinosaur Roar (Soundtrack Pro Sound Effect)
Bass Effect (Download)
Stick Breaking (Foley)
Abstract 34 (Sondtrack Pro)
Abstract 48 (Soundtrack Pro)
Bone Break 1 (Foley)
Bone Break 2 (Foley)
Static Wave (Soundtrack Pro Edited)
Scrambling Microphone (Self Recorded)

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