Tuesday, 10 June 2014

After Effects Motion Graphics

In this lesson of after effects we had to be able to do use the pin tool. The sequence that we created was of a man walking and then slipping on a banana, it looks and sounds difficult to do but its not. Firstly we added the background onto the timeline, once this is in we put the banana in and scaled it down to a suitable size of around about 15-20% so it looks normal. Then changed the position by clicking P which brings up the position section, we now move it so it is on the road where the man can walk and trip on it. Finally we have to put the man in the composition and put the scale down to the same as the banana so it looks all one size.
Now we have to create the puppet effect, first select the puppet tool, then select the main limbs of the man. These pins will then appear in the timeline panel, rename the individual parts of the mans body so you know which is which.
Now make the mans limbs move as if it was an actual man moving so it needs his, arms to move, head bob a little and legs to move in time. Now we need to overlap the The different limbs, so click the overlap tool and the areas that need to be in front you need to click them so the form in front of the others.

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